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The good spirits did not evince such dissatisfaction. Very likely, this mixture of flesh and spirit in human beings makes all spirits curious it is the source of our attraction for them but it rankles the bad spirits the bad spirits would know sensuous pleasure, it seems yet they cannot. There was also abundant evidence that what we called bad spirits envied us that we were fleshly and also spiritual-that we had the pleasures and powers of the physical while possessing spiritual minds. It does not become the foundation of a great religion. When a spirit in these times haunts a house and makes predictions through the vocal cords of a five-year-old child, no one much believes it except those who see and hear it. For them, the flesh is filth and they would have men and women believe that erotic pleasures and malice are equally dangerous and evil. A very old earthbound ghost could forget that he had ever been alive and possibly the very malevolent spirits are ghosts and that is why they hunger so for the pleasures of the flesh and when they possess some poor human being they belch obscenities.

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However, one can never be too sure on this point. But they are without question spirits of those who have been human on earth whereas the spirits I have been speaking of are not. There is only so much they can do, and no more, and a good witch was someone who understood that perfectly. And that was a key, always, to controlling them. Otherwise how could they move objects as they do in poltergeist hauntings? And how could they have brought together the clouds to make the rain? Yet very little is really accomplished by them for all the energy they expend. That they exert great force upon the physical world is beyond doubt.

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