Cakewalk by bandlab installation instructions
Cakewalk by bandlab installation instructions

With Cakewalk’s ability to create scenes as well as alt mixes within any given project, you can literally have instant recall to different versions of the same mix, or even save a remix within the same project. The mix recall feature is a huge game changer.

cakewalk by bandlab installation instructions

Robert also just released a course with us on how to use Cakewalk, so make sure you check that out too! Click here to get The Ultimate Cakewalk by BandLab Course! Top 5 Reasons Robert McClellan Loves Cakewalk! 5.

cakewalk by bandlab installation instructions cakewalk by bandlab installation instructions

Today, we have Robert McClellan from Home Studio Simplified with us! He is an expert in using Cakewalk, as he has been using this DAW for over 15 years, and today he is going to share with us the top 5 reasons why he loves using it so much!

Cakewalk by bandlab installation instructions